Why Real-Time Monitoring Is So Important in the Contact Centers?

Why Real-Time Monitoring Is So Important in the Contact Centers?


19 June 2023

Real-time data power modern contact center success: From front-line agents to executives focused on back-end data. Knowing what is happening in real-time offers you the knowledge you need to improve the customer experience. Knowing what is going on in your contact center solution, what happens between consumers and agents throughout the conversation, and how well your agents follow compliance and quality rules is crucial to long-term success. However, knowing what happened during a conversation after the call has been completed does not allow contact center managers to intervene or take action while the call is still in progress. Managers and agents, on the other hand, may act rather than merely react with real-time call monitoring.


  • What exactly is Real-Time Monitoring?
  • Why Should Your Contact Center Use Real-Time Call Monitoring?
  • Conclusion

What exactly is Real-Time Monitoring?

Real-time monitoring for Contact Center Software refers to the tools and software that allow management to supervise and track agent calls as they are completed. Call monitoring in real-time offers managers with call analytics, dashboards, and alerts, as well as tracking speech patterns and acoustics for things like profanity, escalation efforts, compliance breaches, and customer attitude. Real-time monitoring employs speech analytics to ensure call centers have complete coverage. Every call is automatically transcribed in real-time, and call replay is provided to manage so that problems may resolve immediately. Real-time monitoring is a considerably more effective technique for contact centers to assess agent performance than listening to a small sample of agent calls once a month to review performance and check for compliance.

Why Should Your Contact Center Use Real-Time Call Monitoring?

Call monitoring may be an efficient technique for assessing the efficiency of your call center. While it may seem frightening to novice calling agents initially, it may boost confidence and performance. While some staff may see it as an intrusion or a knock on their abilities, read on to find out why you should utilize real-time call monitoring in your contact center.

Advantages of Real-Time Call Monitoring

Managers or more experienced agents may listen in on a call as it happens via real-time call monitoring. This is achieved using technologies to give real-time instruction, such as call whispering or call coaching.
Call monitoring may benefit both management and consumers in addition to agents. Ensuring correct call ethics may help your company's reputation and client experience.

1. Agent Call Monitoring:

While having someone look over your shoulder and oversee your work may seem intimidating at first, it eventually helps develop confidence. After all, confidence is an essential attribute for contacting agents.
Among the several advantages that call monitoring may provide for agents are:

2. Managers Call Monitoring:

Managers must guarantee that activities function smoothly. This implies companies must guarantee their agents are appropriately educated and qualified to function as corporate liaisons in the customer care department.
Because managers are not on the phones directly, they must be aware of any new challenges or frustrations consumers face. This enables them to develop new rules and processes to improve the efficiency of the contact center.
Managers may benefit from call monitoring in the following ways:

Overall, real-time call monitoring assists you in identifying the critical areas that need improvement. You may then utilize what you've learned to teach and educate your employees regularly.
Are numerous of your agents dealing with the same problem or task? Give them the knowledge they need to overcome these challenges. Make a library of your training sessions by recording them. Employees may then resort to this for assistance as required. As a result, when agents meet the same problem, management saves time.

3. Customer Call Monitoring:

Agents and managers aren't the only ones that profit from real-time call monitoring, nor are they the most crucial. Customers gain from this as well. Customers have a better overall experience when agents are well trained and management fully grasps their demands.
When a consumer has poor contact, they might give feedback that will inform your company about where it needs to improve. Generally, getting feedback directly from the client is preferable to getting it secondhand on social media.

Customers may profit from call monitoring in the following ways:

Consider call monitoring a "win" if the only advantage you get is increased customer satisfaction. Your agents are the company's and brand's face and voice. When consumers phone, text, or email about a problem, they want — no, they demand — quick, valuable replies. They will conduct business with your competitors if they do not get this.
Real-time call monitoring might make your agents and some of your customers uncomfortable. However, it remains a crucial tool for keeping your business functioning efficiently and intelligently.

4. Improve Your Agent's Work Quality:

You may discover areas of knowledge or abilities that need improvement by listening to agent calls. You can even chat to your agent without the client on the other end of the line hearing a word of what you're saying. This is a highly efficient means of delivering ongoing feedback to your live agents.

Real-time monitoring may also be helpful when dealing with unexpected developments in a project. It may, for example, promptly let your manager made aware of any new problems that need their attention, whether script changes or detailed information about individual clients.

Furthermore, it may assist you in improving your agents' performance by reorganizing your teams or transferring agents to different projects where they can work more effectively depending on their abilities and knowledge. By using real-time prioritizing, you may improve your company's workflow and your agents' productivity.

5. Get Beneficial Business Insights:

Real-time monitoring, in addition to your post-call review methods, may give additional knowledge to enhance your company plans. Listening in on conversations allows you to identify which agents are doing the best, helping you determine what conversational styles and tactics other agents should use and which staff might benefit from extra one-on-one coaching. Improving agent performance will reduce idle time, which will help your firm in terms of profit and efficiency.

Focusing on real-time metrics data, such as SLA, waiting time, or the number of calls with various statuses in a specific period is another approach to acquiring insights into your contact center’s performance. With this data, you may collect and evaluate your processes to help uncover concerns and utilize them effectively to enhance company performance.

6. Improve the Customer Experience:

One of the primary advantages of real-time monitoring, as the term indicates, is the ability to monitor the calls your agents are making. Listening to them in real-time will quickly reveal if your agents portray the firm with the appropriate tone, structure, vocabulary, and etiquette. Some may question if it is crucial to monitor agent performance while they work. Still, the advantage is clear: it is not about stressing out your personnel but rather about providing a better customer experience and increasing client satisfaction rates in the long term.
Furthermore, clients come in many shapes and sizes, and although most conversations regarding a complaint, issue, or query go well, there are times when an agent will not be able to meet the demands of a consumer. In such circumstances, it is critical for a supervisor to be able to enter a dialogue before things escalate. Managers may give their agents relevant direction and high-quality support using real-time monitoring, ensuring that clients' concerns are handled thoughtfully and effectively.

7. Maintain Consistent Customer Service:

Managers are promptly alerted to customer service concerns using real-time call monitoring software instead of discovering them after the contract has concluded. The technology will automatically monitor in-progress conversations for specific linguistic and audio features like escalation efforts, churn language, profanity, or strong emotions and will notify the manager/supervisor if a risky customer service scenario has formed. In the C-Zentrix Call Center Admin portal, the manager can configure hotwords, which if detected can flag the call. So the supervisor can in real-time be informed which call to monitor. Managers may proactively fix difficulties and retain consumers since they can quickly and easily identify clients at risk. By storing calls while they are still in process, call resolution may occur quickly, and your caller departs happy rather than dissatisfied and defeated.
When particular things of interest occur in the conversation, real-time call monitoring as part of a more extensive speech analytics system may even present agents with next-best-action information or advice. Assume a dissatisfied cable TV client wishes to discontinue their service. Key terms such as "cancel," "termination," or "close account" cause the program to guide agents to reply by providing the consumer with a free package upgrade, a free DVR box, a free additional cable box, or some other kind of gift that will persuade the customer to remain. Meanwhile, it can alert the supervisor that this call needs to be monitored. In the C-Zentrix Call Center Software Admin portal, the supervisor can go through the live call transcript to understand the concern of the customer before barging the call.

8. Ascertain Compliance:

Every engagement requires agents to comply with essential compliance rules. Compliance monitoring at the contact center is especially critical for collection agencies, as non-compliance lawsuits are rising. Every call is monitored in real-time for Mini Miranda language, Right Side Contact language, FDCPA breaches, abusive language from either party, and other unprofessional language or slang. Because this occurs in real-time, managers are immediately notified of compliance problems and may intervene.
Real-time call monitoring allows supervisors to trace all calls across all agents and instantly notifies them to occurrences that may need action. Customer service, performance, and compliance concerns can no longer slip between the cracks with real-time monitoring technologies in place.

Best Practices for Call Monitoring

We've compiled a list of real-time monitoring best practices to assist you in increasing contact center productivity.

  1. Beyond Metrics: Many managers focus too much on average handling time or wrap-up time. While such indicators are helpful to some extent, they are pretty restricted and do not provide a complete picture of agent performance. Real-time monitoring allows you to go beyond analytics and get insight into the language used by top-performing agents, which is significantly more helpful than a number like average handling time.
  2. Complete Contact Coverage: When considering real-time monitoring software for your call center, ensure it offers 100 percent call coverage.
  3. Host Retro Meetings: To assist in communicating best practices and winning behaviors across the contact center, hold retro meetings, and allow high-performing agents to discuss the methods and language they use to settle calls. Call monitoring allows you to examine agent performance, but to get the most out of your real-time call monitoring software, you must ensure that these best practices are shared with the rest of the business.
  4. Benchmark: While real-time monitoring provides valid internal data, you should also consider external industry data and statistics on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as average call abandonment rate, queue time, response time, and service quality. You may acquire a realistic notion of the objectives you should set for agent performance by comparing the data you receive from your real-time monitoring analytics to industry benchmarks.
  5. Reward Top Performers: Call monitoring allows you to keep track of concerns such as compliance, escalation efforts, and dangerous language. However, real-time monitoring should not be used to maintain eyes on your agents. You will deplete your workforce's excitement if you spend all of your time analyzing the bad parts of agent performance. While keeping on top of compliance breaches and other issues is undoubtedly a crucial aspect of the manager's job, it is also critical not to ignore excellent behaviors. Try to create a positive atmosphere in Contact Center Solutions by promoting and praising high-quality work.
  6. Document Your Contact Monitoring Policy: If you use real-time monitoring software in your call center, ensure your call monitoring and evaluation paperwork is up to date. This paper should be distributed across the business, and agents and team managers should know the areas for review. Your call monitoring policy should also include your new agent training program.


Analyzing and reviewing your Cloud Contact Center Solution operation data and real-time monitoring is critical since it gives you essential insights into the broader picture. But what about the names of individuals?
There are occasions when statistics alone cannot explain what is happening during calls. And in particular, there may be times when urgent supervisor contact is required during calls. There are many advantages to using a real-time monitoring system in your contact center setting. Real-time monitoring will assist you in identifying your top agents, enabling you to create training programs and incentive systems while aiming for the most satisfactory quality customer experience your firm can provide.

For these reasons, you should think about using real-time monitoring, a powerful tool that enables you to listen in on current discussions, oversee your agent's participation as required, and join a call if necessary.


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